Hippo Reads is a media platform that sits at the compelling intersection of academic insights and real world issues. Our curations, written by top researchers in a range of disciplines, provide a link between recommended academic and journalistic “reads” and the most pressing questions of our time.

We’ve been called “TED Talks for readers” — we publish pithy pieces with educational appeal, a perpetual reading list for the most interesting classes out there. All curations are accessible, but we don’t dumb it down. We select content with a level of depth that allows readers to sink their teeth into the subject at hand.

The Origins of Hippo

At Hippo Reads we believe in the power of the written word. We are often asked: “Why Hippo?”

When we were at the initial stages of our start-up, we read a story about St. Augustine of Hippo who, the story goes, was prompted to Christian conversion by a childlike voice instructing him to “take up and read” (in Latin: Tolle, lege).

While Hippo Reads is a strictly secular organization, we share St. Augustine’s devotion to the written word and the necessity of reading a variety of texts as a critical and mind-expanding necessity. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that hippos themselves are both adorable and ferocious creatures capable of stealth attacks — kind of like knowledge.

Creative Commons License
Our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Please feel free to republish any of our original content (in other words, content that does not have a “this post originally appeared on…” at the bottom).

Contact Information

Hippo Reads

100 Wilshire Ste. 200

Santa Monica, CA 90401
