The Pervasive and Elusive, Momentous and Mysterious Law (Part 3 of 3) Bruce K. Adler Law, Politics & Economics The final installment of a series exploring the mysterious intricacies of that which we call "the law."
The Pervasive and Elusive, Momentous and Mysterious Law (Part 2 of 3) Bruce K. Adler Politics & Economics, Society & Culture An event has happened, upon which it is difficult to speak, and impossible to be silent. -- Edmund Burke (in a speech in May 1789 favoring an...
The Pervasive and Elusive, Momentous and Mysterious Law (Part 1 of 3) Bruce K. Adler Politics & Economics, Society & Culture At every step the history of civilization teaches us how slight and superficial a structure civilization is, and how precariously it is poised upon...